Friday, February 5, 2010

Debra Darling said...
I remember Grandpa always driving crazy. My favorite was when he'd miss a stop sign, then stop twice at the next one we'd see. The first time he'd stop at the actual stop sign, then he'd slowly drive into the center of the intersection and stop again. I also remember being terribly afraid of being baptized because I didn't want to go under the water. So, one time when all of the grandkids were in the hot-tub, Grandpa strolled by nonchalantly and then dunked me under the water saying, "Well, now you have nothing to be afraid of." And finally, I always LOVED my overnight stays at the farm. One night, I was walking from the bathroom to the living room. Grandpa had already gone to bed and I heard him saying something, I thought he might have needed me for something, so I peeked in his room. He was on his knees, crying in prayer. Grandpa always had his coveted sins (I don't think I need to mention them specifically), but I learned from him the power of prayer that night as I witnessed his example of true personal prayer.
January 23, 2010 6:15 PM

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